(Notes from Prof. Marge Paterno) In summary: * Course credits (CC) for labs is 1.0 only (to be used for column 8 only) while Teaching Load Credits (TLC) for labs is 1.5 (to be used for the last column) * CC is equal to TLC in the case of lectures, lect/discussion classes and SP * For the last column, apply the multipliers on the Teaching Load Credits (TLC) rather than on Course Credits (CC). *For column #8 for COURSE CREDITS (CC) without multipliers: Lab: CC = 1.0 Lect (2hrs/wk): CC = 2.0 Lect/Discussion (3hrs/wk): CC = 3.0 CMSC 190 1 unit : CC = 1.0 CMSC 190 2 units: CC = 2.0 *For column #10 (last column) for TEACHING LOAD CREDITS with MULTIPLIERS (TLCM): STEP 1: Determine TEACHING LOAD CREDITS w/o multipliers (TLC): Lab: TLC = 1.5 Lect (2hrs/wk): TLC = 2.0 Lect/Discussion (3hrs/wk): TLC = 3.0 CMSC 190 1 unit : TLC = 1.0 CMSC 190 2 units: TLC = 2.0 STEP 2: Apply corresponding multiplier to TLC to obtain TLCM: *** For UNDERGRAD courses: Lab class (any number of students): TLCM = TLC (i.e., no multiplier) Lect (2hrs/wk) or Lect/Discussion (3hrs/wk): # of students <=40: TLCM = TLC # of students >40: TLCM = TLC*[(# of students - 40)/120 + 1] [# of students >160: TLCM = TLC*2.0] For CMSC 190 TLCM = TLC*(# of students)*(0.5/3) // Hence, for 190(1 unit) : TLCM = n/2 * 1/3, maximum of 3 units // for 190(2 units): TLCM = n/2 * 2/3, maximum of 3 units For IT 1 Lecture only (if # of students >= 25) multiply TLCM further by 1.33 // multiplier for GE lecture courses *** For GRAD courses: Lect or Lect/Discussion or Lab # of students <= 4: TLCM = TLC # of students >4 and <= 9: TLCM = TLC*1.25 # of students >9: TLCM = TLC*1.5
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