Wednesday, October 17, 2018

DEC{}DE 2018: Connected Threat Intelligence Experience

We were lucky to be invited again in this year's security conference sponsored by Trend Micro, DECODE 2018.  The event was held at the Makati Shangri-La Hotel last October 11, 2018. This year's theme is Connected Threat Intelligence. I liked the talk by Andrew MacPherson on Graphing and Grey Data as well as Prof. Stefano Zanero's talk.

ROOTCON 12 Experience

I attended the ROOTCON 12 hacking conference held at the Taal Vista Hotel last September 27-28, 2018.  Although I've been dreaming of attending the conference for a while, it was only this year that I was able to save some money for this event. As expected, the event was great and I enjoyed all the technical talks. I also got to meet some  security professionals from various industries. Lastly, I got a cool badge. The slides for the talks are available here.