I've been using GitHub to host my codes for a long time already. However, I often get lazy and just put "edits" in my commit messages. This is obviously a bad practice!
I decided to look around to learn more about how to write good commit messages. I came across these resources [1] [2] [3].
The following format looks good:
Commit Type(Scope): Subject Line
Commit Types
- Feature
- Fix
- Style
- Refactor
- Test
- Docs
- Chores
Subject Line
Short text (less than 50 characters) that summarizes the commit.
This is an optional detailed description of the commit. Wrap at 72 characters.
[1] https://cbea.ms/git-commit/
[2] https://dev.to/wordssaysalot/art-of-writing-a-good-commit-message-56o7
[3] https://dev.to/thelogeshwaran/how-to-write-good-commit-messages-714