(Last Update: 31 July 2023)
I mainly use Ubuntu Desktop now as my main OS. I upgrade to the latest LTS after a year of its release.
Currently in use: 22.04 LTS
- gnome-shell-extensions, gnome-shell-extension-manager
- wget
- curl
- OpenVPN
- GVim
- Git, GitHub CLI
- net-tools
- msttcorefonts
- ubuntu-restricted-extras
- TexStudio/TexMaker
- Pandoc
- build tools (build-essential, gcc-multilib, gcc, automake, autoconf, perl, python, nasm )
- Java Development Kit
- Open SSH server
- Zotero
- Mendeley
- Calibre
- xchm
- Gimp
- Sound Recorder
- Wireshark
- Oracle VirtualBox
- Transmission
- KeePass2
- Unison (use release from github instead of from apt)
- Master PDF Editor
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Python venv for
- Sphinx
- Pelican
- Flask
- Android Studio
- NVM and node
- Terminator
- Tmux
- GNU Screen
- Freemind
- Google Chrome
- Brave Browser
- Tor Browser
- Zoom
- Slack
- Discord
- Peek (GIF Recorder)
- virt-manager
- LibreOffice (calc,writer,impress)
- Clockify
- VSCode
- custom dotfiles (posh, terminator, vim, bash)
- VeraCrypt
- Putty
- Bibtex2html
- youtube-dl
- Network monitoring: iftop, nethogs
- ShotCut
- QasMixer
- Postgres and PGAdmin
- Xournal
- Remmina
- Nerd Fonts
- ..more to be added
- tightvncserver, xtightvncviewer
- BurpSuite
- Wine
- Dropbox
- pdfedit
- Samba
- Flash plugin
- Acrobat Reader
- Subversion
- ftp
- Microsoft Office
- display drivers
- audio drivers
- gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor
Ubuntu specific
- build-essentials
- Installing acrobat-reader
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ precise partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install acroread
- rpmfusion (http://rpmfusion.org/Configuration/)
- gstreamer-{ffmpeg,plugins-{good,ugly,bad{,-free,-nonfree}}}